List of Online Part-Time Jobs for Students
It is not easy to do an internship or to do a full-time job along with studies. Therefore, working a traditional office job tends to be much more hectic than an online job. That is why online part time jobs for students or work from home jobs for students are the right option to help them earn some money without interrupting their studies.
So, here are the best online part time jobs for students.
1. Content Writer
Job Description
If writing is something you find fulfilling, you should consider taking a content writing job. Content writing is best for online part time jobs for students. Content writers are professional writers who create content in the form of articles, blogs, podcasts, e-books, captions, web content development, etc. The job requires fluency in English, strong writing, and research skills. Also, you may need to be well versed in Ms-Word and Excel.
Skills Required
- Excellent Writing Skills
- Creative Mind
- Self-Motivated
You can earn an average of INR 40,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day
2. Graphic Designer
Job Description
Graphics designing is one of the best online part time jobs for students and a work from home jobs for students. Nowadays almost every other company needs and hires a graphic artist to promote their brand. A graphic designer creates and communicates visuals through typography, imagery, and color. You also need to be familiar with design software and techniques such as Photoshop, Adobe, etc. As a graphic designer, you will design posters, web designs, logos, layouts, photos, or unique visuals.
Skills Required
- Designing Skills
- Creativity
- Attention to Details
You can earn an average of INR 20,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
3. Data Entry
Job Description
Data entry agents are required to update data from other sources in the company’s servers. You are responsible for keeping the data up to date and ensuring it is readily available to all. If you have a high school degree in English with basic typing and communication skills, and working knowledge of Microsoft Office, you can easily qualify for this job. It is one of the easiest online part time jobs for students which is also considered as a best option for work form home jobs for students.
Skills Required
- Knowledge of Data management Tools
- Strong Communication skills
- Good Research skills
You can earn an average of INR 11,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 2-4 hours per day
4. SEO Marketer
Job Description
If you have experience in SEO, SEM, and Digital Marketing, you can work as an SEO Marketer. Their tasks include conducting keyword research and web analysis to optimize SEO strategies for the brand’s web page. They also analyze and report web traffic using various SEO strategies. SEO marketers should know about Google Analytics and other SEO tools. SEO Marketer is considered as best online part time jobs for students.
Skills Required
- Google Analytics
- Organisational Skills
- Search Engine Marketing
You can earn an average of INR 15,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 3-6 hours per day
5. Social Media Manager
Job Description
Social media marketing is about expanding a brand’s audience with the use of multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc. Social Media Manager is best for online part time jobs for students in mobile. As well as coming up with strategies to advertise your brand, and creating content that targets a specific audience. Also, monitoring the social media presence of the brand.
Skills Required
- SEO Knowledge
- Customer Care
- Flexibility
You can earn an average of INR 40,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
6. Translator
Job Description
A translator converts information from one language to another. The company hires professionals who can translate and store ideas from one language to another. You must be fluent in speaking and writing in any two or more languages. If you have an advanced degree in any of the high-demand languages like German, French, or Spanish, you can easily qualify for this job. This can prove to be a great online part time jobs for students.
Skills Required
- Designing Skills
- Creativity
- Attention to Details
You can earn an average of INR 10,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 3-5 hours per day
7. Web Developer
Job Description
As a web developer, you must be well-versed in the basics of coding and markup languages, including HTML and CSS. Online part time jobs for students, like web development, involve designing, developing, and maintaining company websites. You will use a combination of programming languages and web development tools to create the structure, design, and functionality of websites.
Skills Required
- Designing Skills
- Creativity
- Attention to Details
You can earn an average of INR 30,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 4-7 hours per day
8. Online Tutor
Job Description
Online tutoring is one of the best online part time jobs for students. If you are good at one or more than one subjects, then you can use your knowledge and expertise to teach online. As an online tutor, you can teach students from anywhere and can charge for your tutoring services.
You can also become a Chegg Q/A expert, where you don’t have to look out for students. Instead, you get to choose which subject you want to teach, and which answers you want to solve and the greatest part is that you can work flexible hours.
Skills Required
- Time Management
- Subject Knowledge
- Communication Skills
You can earn an average of INR 16,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 2-4 hours per day
9. Telemarketer
Job Description
Telemarketing part-time job for students at home is another good option to work and earn from home for students. As a telemarketer, your role will be to talk to prospective customers. And to inform about the benefits and uses of the product or services your company is selling. Your responsibilities will include making cold calls to customers using the directory provided, achieving daily sales targets, and assisting customers wherever required.
Skills Required
- Stong Communication Skills
- Persuasive Skills
- Sales and Marketing Skills
You can earn an average of INR 19,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day
10. Book Reviewer
Job Description
If you have a good reading habit, then working as a book reviewer is one of the best online part time jobs for students. Every author, publishing house, and e-book platform needs reviewers for their books. As a book reviewer, you need to write reviews for books after reading them. You have to provide unbiased, detailed, and informative feedback on books, novels, graphic books, etc.
Skills Required
- Excellent Reading & Comprehension Skills
- Strong Writing Abilities
- Time Management Skills
You can earn an average of INR 27,000 per month.
Invested Time
Time to be invested 2-5 hours per day